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Why does the power adapter need to undergo aging testing?

Article Source:Kinri Energy | Author:Kinri Energy | Issuing Time:2024.05.10
1.After the production of the power adapter is completed and before it flows to the market,it will undergo aging testing to ensure product quality. When the power adapter that has undergone aging testing flows into the hands of consumers, there are basically no fault problems. In addition, the lifespan and quality of the power adapter that has undergone aging testing can be guaranteed.

Power adapter aging test cabinet

2. Power aging belongs to Environmental Stress Screening (ESS), which is a popular quality and reliability assurance method for modern high-tech electronic products. As the name suggests, environmental stress screening is the use of external environmental stress to expose potential defects in electronic hardware caused by weak components and poor processes in the manufacturing process. Then, various appropriate inspection or testing methods are used to identify and remove these defective products, or corrective actions are taken for maintenance, in order to improve the manufacturing quality of hard products and maintain the level given in the design. Therefore, the delivered products through screening are of excellent quality and high reliability, which can provide customers with peace of mind for normal use.

3.Why do we need to conduct strict aging tests during the production process

Strict aging testing is carried out during the production of module power supplies, and the module power supply is generally operated at full load for a long period of time. How long is this "duration"? Generally, it takes 24 or 48 hours. Of course, some companies shorten the aging time to 1 hour in order to save costs, and very few companies even do not age their products. How can various manufacturers effectively unify their pursuit of quality and cost requirements. Aging testing, also known as grilling or burning, means rigorously testing it or striving to burn it down. Only products that have survived intense torture are considered excellent products. It ensures that all power modules are fully aged for at least 24 hours and all indicators meet the standards before leaving the factory, allowing users to use them with peace of mind, peace of mind, and comfort.

Why do we need to conduct aging testing on products that have just emerged from the production line, most of which have the complete functions they were designed for and can be directly put into use? We have come to the following conclusion through our own experience and lessons learned: similar to humans, the occurrence of power module product failures mostly occurs in the early and late stages. The end stage is the normal lifespan of the product, which cannot be controlled, but in the initial stage, it can be controlled within the factory gate. That is to conduct a thorough aging test before handing over the product to the user, and nip the problem inside the factory. Legitimate manufacturers do this, but small workshops generally do not conduct aging tests, or rather hand over the aging test work to the user. Therefore, we often buy some products that break down shortly after receiving them. In fact, this is the result of failing the aging test. As the user claims part of the work of the small workshop, small workshops without aging equipment are generally much cheaper. So examining whether a manufacturer has aged equipment is an important indicator for measuring power module manufacturers.

Of course, users with good luck sometimes buy counterfeit products that can be used for a long time. The product quality theory goes like this: "If a product can work continuously for a day without any faults, it is likely to work continuously for a year without any faults." Therefore, if you buy a product that has been used continuously for several days without any faults, it may follow you for many years. In fact, this is the result of aging testing that has passed. In fact, there is not much difference between regular manufacturers and small workshops. Apart from technical aspects, there is only a small difference: the presence and duration of product aging testing.

4. The aging room is a professional equipment that must meet the current needs of various products in terms of capacity and specifications, and also ensure the stability of its own work. Therefore, it must be of high quality, safe and reliable, and face the rapid growth of the future market development needs. It should be flexible, open, and have a certain degree of scalability. Follow the following design rules during design:

Principle 1:Practicality, stability and progressiveness

Adopting advanced and mature technologies and equipment to meet current needs and meet future product demands, we strive to use the most stable and practical components and materials as much as possible.

Principle 2:Safety and reliability

Adopting an abnormal aging process dual alarm system (sound and light) to fully protect the safety of the product and surrounding environmental equipment.

Principle 3:Flexibility and Scalability

The specific requirements proposed by the customer must be met in the design. For future product needs, a certain amount of space must be provided. So the aging room must have good flexibility and scalability. It has the flexibility to support aging of multiple models and provide technological upgrades and equipment updates.

Principle 4:Standardization

In the design of aging system structure and principles, a solid foundation is laid based on relevant standards in the field involved, including ontology standards and changes in power and electrical specifications.

Principle 5:The phased feasibility of the project

In the design of aging housing projects, the overall engineering and equipment are modular structures, which is equivalent to the project being carried out in stages, and each stage of the project can be seamlessly combined without causing duplicate construction and waste.

Principle 6:Economic and investment protection

Build aging houses with a high cost performance ratio to maximize the output and investment of funds. Being able to maintain system operation with lower costs and fewer personnel inputs. Meet the load and benign requirements of the product. Improve efficiency and high efficiency. Try to preserve and extend the actual application capability of the device as much as possible, and fully utilize the investment in funds and technology.

Principle 7:Manageability

Due to the complexity of aging rooms and the increasing demands of products for aging rooms, the task of management is bound to become increasingly heavy. Therefore, in the design process, consideration must be given to future management, such as the removable nature of individual loads, the adjustability of load capacity, the expandability of power systems, the integration of control systems, and the implementation of the most user-friendly design for the management of aging rooms.

Product Usage: Widely used in power electronics, computers, communications, biopharmaceuticals, and other fields.

5. The function of the power adapter after aging testing:

●  When the product is aging, we use a computer to monitor it. During the operation and use of the product, the computer will provide us with a series of data feedback, which can help us understand the usage of the power adapter well.

●  Long term aging testing can monitor the temperature changes of the power adapter during use.

●  Be able to promptly identify issues with power adapters during aging.

●  If the product is suitable for normal use during aging testing, then the products flowing to customers can be used more safely and with confidence.

Kinri has 10 years of experience in the testing and measurement industry, with a professional sales, technical, and service team that excels in many fields, including general microwave/RF testing, wireless communication testing, data acquisition, recording and analysis, vibration and noise analysis, electromagnetic compatibility testing, automotive safety testing, precision programmable measurement power supplies, microwave/RF components, sensors, and more.