Switching power supply is a type of power supply that achieves power conversion through efficient electronic components, commonly used in the fields of electronic products, electric vehicles, solar cells, and other power sources. The basic principle is to convert the input voltage from AC power to DC power, then perform power stabilization and overcurrent protection, and finally output to the load terminal.
Factors affecting the efficiency of switching power supplies
1. Input voltage
The input voltage of a switching power supply is one of the main factors affecting efficiency. Generally speaking, the higher the input voltage, the faster the switching frequency of the switching element, and the higher the switching efficiency. On the contrary, the lower the input voltage, the slower the switching frequency of the switching element, and the lower the switching efficiency.
2. Output voltage
The output voltage of a switching power supply also affects efficiency. The higher the output voltage, the higher the switching frequency of the switching transistor, and the higher the switching efficiency; On the contrary, the lower the output voltage, the lower the switching efficiency.
3. Load situation
The load situation has a significant impact on the efficiency of a switching power supply, and a load that is too small or too large will reduce the efficiency of the switching power supply. A suitable load can achieve optimal efficiency in a switching power supply.
4. Switching tube
The switching transistor is the most core component of a switching power supply, and its performance is crucial to the efficiency of the switching power supply. Excellent switching tubes can improve the efficiency and stability of switching power supplies.