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Relevant knowledge of European standard power supplies

Article Source:Kinri Energy | Author:Kinri Energy | Issuing Time:2024.05.25
With the development of technology and the improvement of people's living standards, power sources are playing an increasingly important role in our daily life and work. The European standard power supply, as a widely used power supply specification in the European region, has also received much attention. This article will introduce the relevant knowledge of European standard power supplies to help everyone better understand and use this power supply specification.

European standard 12V ROUTER POWR ADAPTER 

Overview of European Standard Power Supplies

European standard power supply refers to power supply specifications that comply with European electrical safety standards. In order to ensure the safe use of electrical products, countries have developed their own electrical safety standards. The European standard power supply is developed by the European Union to unify the electrical safety standards of its member states. This power supply specification is widely used in various electronic products in the European market, such as household appliances, lighting, computers, etc.

Characteristics of European Standard Power Supplies

1. Voltage range: The voltage range of the European standard power supply is 220-240V, with a frequency of 50Hz. This voltage range can meet the electricity needs of most households and offices in Europe.

2. Plug and socket: The plugs and sockets of European standard power supplies have special designs to ensure safe use. The plug is usually a two round plug, and there is a metal plate inside the socket for grounding. In addition, European standard plugs and sockets also have certain size and shape standards to prevent accidental insertion and damage to electrical equipment.

3. Certification requirements: In order to ensure the safety performance of electrical products, European standard power supplies need to undergo a series of certification tests, such as CE certification ENEC certification, etc. These certification requirements are important measures to ensure that products comply with relevant standards.

4. Environmental requirements: The European region has very high requirements for environmental protection, so European standard power supplies must also comply with relevant environmental standards. For example, the materials for plugs and sockets must be non-toxic and environmentally friendly, and discarded power cords also need to be recycled.

Application of European Standard Power Supply

Due to the aforementioned characteristics of European standard power supplies, they are widely used in various electronic products in the European market. For example, household appliances, lighting equipment, computers and peripherals, power tools, etc. all require the use of European standard power supplies. In addition, communication equipment and data centers in the European region also extensively use European standard power supplies to ensure the stable operation of equipment.

How to choose and use European standard power supplies

1. Confirm voltage and frequency: When selecting and using a European standard power supply, the first step is to confirm whether the voltage and frequency of the electronic device are consistent with the European standard power supply. If the voltage or frequency does not match, it may cause equipment damage or safety accidents.

2. Pay attention to plugs and sockets: When using European standard power supplies, it is necessary to choose the correct plugs and sockets. When purchasing, you should choose plugs and sockets that meet relevant standards and ensure that they match your device. When inserting and unplugging plugs, make sure your hands are dry to avoid the risk of electric shock.

3. Pay attention to certification marks: When purchasing European standard power supplies, attention should be paid to whether the product has relevant certification marks, such as CE certification ENEC certification, etc. These certification marks are proof that the product meets relevant standards and serve as a reference for selecting safe products.

4. Compliance with environmental requirements: When using European standard power supplies, relevant environmental requirements should be followed. Waste materials such as discarded power cords, plugs, and sockets should be classified, recycled, or disposed of to avoid environmental pollution.


The European standard power supply is a widely used power supply specification in the European region, with characteristics such as suitable voltage range, safe plug and socket design, and strict certification requirements. Understanding and using European standard power supplies is crucial for electronic products sold and used in the European market. By paying attention to knowledge such as voltage frequency matching, plug and socket selection, certification marks, and compliance with environmental requirements, one can better choose and use European standard power sources to ensure electrical safety and environmental protection.