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Shenzhen KINRI Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.

Detailed explanation of the method for converting high-voltage AC to low-voltage DC

Article Source:Kinri Energy | Author:Kinri Energy | Issuing Time:2024.04.12
The following are several methods to convert high-voltage AC power into low-voltage DC power.

1. The principle of converting high-voltage AC to low-voltage DC

In DC circuits, the direction of current is constant, while in AC circuits, the direction of current is constantly changing. The process of converting high-voltage AC into low-voltage DC is mainly completed through several steps such as rectification, voltage transformation, and filtering.

2. Rectification method

After inputting the AC into the rectifier, the output is in the form of pulses. After the pulses pass through the filtering capacitor, the output is a stable DC power supply.

3. Transformation method

Through a transformer, the input high-voltage AC can be transformed into the corresponding low-voltage AC. Then, the low voltage AC is input into the rectifier to achieve the purpose of raising and lowering the voltage of the transformer.

4. Filtering method

Filter capacitors can filter out clutter in AC power sources and provide a certain amplitude for DC analysis.

5. Implementation method of converting high-voltage AC to low-voltage DC

Switching Power Supply

There are various ways to achieve the transformation from high-voltage AC to low-voltage DC, such as switch mode power supply, voltage regulator power supply, inverter power supply, etc. Among them, switching power supplies are widely used in electronic devices, which have advantages such as small size, high efficiency, and low cost.

6. Implementation effect

The method of converting high-voltage AC to low-voltage DC can provide stable and constant current at the moment of change. At the same time, it reduces the voltage, as well as the danger factor and power consumption of the electrical appliances.


This article introduces the principle and implementation method of converting high-voltage AC to low-voltage DC, and provides a detailed explanation of several commonly used methods for voltage transformation, rectification, and filtering. During use, it is necessary to choose the appropriate implementation method based on the actual situation.