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Is it possible to charge a 6v battery with a 12v charger?

Article Source:Kinri Energy | Author:Kinri Energy | Issuing Time:2024.04.11
Strictly speaking, it is not possible because it is indeed difficult to control the charging process. If the output voltage of the charger is too high, it may directly damage the battery. But in practice, it can be operated on the premise that people do not leave the charging site. Stop charging every 20 minutes and measure the battery voltage. If the battery voltage is below 6.2V, continue charging. When the battery voltage approaches 6.2V, the battery can be stopped when it is saturated.

1. Direct use is not allowed because the output voltage is relatively high, which can easily damage the battery.

2. Two 6V batteries can be connected in series (with one positive pole connected to the other negative pole) for charging.

3. Install a resistor on the output part of the charger to reduce the voltage to 7.5-8V for charging.

But if the charging current allowed by the 6V battery capacity is greater than that of the 12V charger, it can be used for charging, but it is important to control the charging time. If the battery overheats, it should be unplugged. But this can also cause damage to the battery, so it is recommended to buy another 6V charger.