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Completely depleting the battery of the phone before charging can indeed damage the battery life

Article Source:Kinri Energy | Author:Kinri Energy | Issuing Time:2024.04.07
There is always a saying about mobile phone charging: when the phone runs out of battery, it needs to be fully charged each time, which is beneficial for battery maintenance. Charging at any time can affect the battery life. In fact, these theories are quite outdated. So, how to charge your phone correctly?

Destroy the charging posture of the battery

Nowadays, smartphones, whether Android or iPhone, almost all use lithium-ion batteries. Assuming the battery is completely depleted, it will indeed have irreversible effects on the internal materials of the battery, shortening its service life.

This is determined by the physical structure of existing batteries. When charging, the positive lithium ion inside the battery will reach the negative electrode through the channel of the intermediate separator. Combined with electrons passing through the external circuit of the battery from the positive electrode, the electrical energy of the power supply is converted into chemical energy inside the battery.

Whether it is discharge or charging, lithium ions must escape from their original structure. During the charging and discharging process, the fewer lithium ions participate in each movement, the less damage to the structure. The slower the lithium ions participate in each movement, the less damage to the structure.

So, completely draining the phone's battery before charging can indeed damage the battery life.

Correct charging posture

Do we need to disconnect the phone immediately when it is fully charged when charging it?

It's not necessary. Lithium batteries are generally equipped with overcharge protection. When fully charged, they will automatically switch to trickle charging. To put it simply, charging is very slow and the current is very small. When the battery is fully charged, it will automatically shut off.

Sporadic charging will not damage the battery! Generally, lithium-ion batteries can achieve hundreds of charging and discharging cycles. Charging and discharging cycles refer to the process of recharging the battery after running out of electricity. Shallow charging and discharging of lithium-ion batteries have little impact on the structure of positive and negative electrode materials, but rather do not significantly affect their lifespan.