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How to choose switching power supply specifications based on load?

Article Source:Kinri Energy | Author:Kinri Energy | Issuing Time:2024.04.03
Switching power supplies play a crucial role in modern electronic devices, providing stable and efficient power supply. However, when choosing the appropriate switch mode power supply specifications, it is often necessary to decide based on the characteristics and requirements of the load. Different loads may lead to vastly different choices of power supply specifications, therefore, it is crucial to understand how to choose the appropriate switch power supply specifications based on the load.

Characteristics of load

Before choosing a switching power supply, it is necessary to first understand the characteristics of the load, including the voltage, current demand, power, and possible fluctuation range of the load. This information will help determine the rated output voltage and current of the required power supply, as well as the power capacity of the power supply.

Selection of power supply specifications

Rated voltage and current

The rated voltage and current of the power supply are one of the most important considerations when selecting the power supply specifications. The rated voltage of the power supply must be equal to or slightly higher than the voltage required by the load, and the rated current of the power supply should be sufficient to meet the maximum current demand of the load. For example, if a load requires a voltage of 12V and a current of 2A, the selected switching power supply should have a rated voltage of 12V or higher and a rated current of at least 2A.

Power capacity

The power capacity of the power supply is also a factor that needs to be considered. The power capacity of the power supply must be able to cover the maximum power demand of the load and consider possible future expansion. Choosing a power source with excessive power may lead to resource waste, while a power source with insufficient power may not provide sufficient power to the load, resulting in decreased or damaged device performance.


The efficiency of the power supply is also an important consideration factor. Efficient power sources can convert more input energy into output energy, thereby reducing energy loss and heat generation. This not only helps to reduce the operating costs of the equipment, but also extends its service life.


The stability of the power supply is also crucial for the normal operation of the load. A stable power supply can provide reliable power supply to the load, reduce voltage and current fluctuations, and thus ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

Example explanation

Assuming we have a load that requires 12V voltage and 2A current, with a maximum power requirement of 24W. When choosing a switching power supply, we can consider the following 


Based on the above load requirements and power specification selection principles, we can conduct the following analysis:

For the first specification of 12V/2A/24W, although it meets the voltage and current requirements of the load, the power capacity is just equal to the maximum power demand of the load, leaving no room for future expansion. In addition, if the power demand of the load fluctuates, it may exceed the power capacity of the power supply.

For the second specification of 12V/3A/36W, it meets the voltage and current requirements of the load, and the power capacity is large enough to leave room for future expansion. Meanwhile, the rated current of 3A can also cope with fluctuations in load current demand.

For the third specification of 15V/2A/30W, although its power capacity is sufficient, the rated voltage is slightly higher than the voltage required by the load. Although this usually does not have a significant impact on the load, it may increase energy loss and heat generation between the power supply and the load.

In summary, based on the characteristics and requirements of the load, choosing a second specification of 12V/3A/36W switching power supply may be a more suitable choice. It not only meets the current needs of the load, but also leaves room for future expansion, while ensuring the stability and efficiency of the power supply.


Choosing the appropriate switch mode power supply specifications is crucial to ensuring normal load operation and stable equipment performance. When choosing, it is necessary to fully understand the voltage, current, and power requirements of the load, as well as the possible fluctuation range. At the same time, it is necessary to consider factors such as the rated voltage and current, power capacity, efficiency, and stability of the power supply. By considering these factors comprehensively and selecting according to actual needs, it can be ensured that the selected switching power supply can provide stable and efficient power supply for the load.