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How to evaluate the power requirements of an electronic system?

Article Source:Kinri Energy | Author:Kinri Energy | Issuing Time:2024.03.28
When designing electronic systems, electronic engineers must evaluate the power supply to ensure stable and efficient operation of the system. If the power supply design is unreasonable or the power supply evaluation is incorrect, it may lead to system performance degradation, frequent failures, and even hardware damage.

1. Clarify system components and their power specifications

Firstly, it is necessary to list all the main components of the electronic system, such as processors, memory, sensors, displays, etc. Then, refer to the technical manuals or data sheets of each component to understand their power supply specifications such as operating voltage, current, and power consumption.

2. Calculate the power requirements of each component

① Static power consumption calculation

Calculate the static power consumption of the component based on its operating voltage and current. Static power consumption refers to the power consumed by a component under normal working conditions, and the calculation formula is: static power consumption=working voltage x working current.

② Dynamic power consumption considerations

Some components may experience changes in power consumption when performing specific tasks or in different working states. For example, processors may consume more power when performing complex calculations. Therefore, when calculating power demand, it is necessary to consider the changes in dynamic power consumption.

③ Starting and peak current considerations

Some components may require a brief high current during startup or performing certain operations. These start-up and peak currents should also be included in the calculation of power demand.

3. Calculate the total power demand of the system

① Accumulate power requirements for each component

Accumulate the static power consumption, dynamic power consumption, startup and peak current requirements of each component to obtain a preliminary estimate of the total power demand of the system.

② Consider power conversion efficiency

There will be energy loss during the power conversion process, so the efficiency of power conversion needs to be considered. Typically, the efficiency of power converters ranges from 80% to 90%. In order to obtain the actual required power supply, it is necessary to divide the total power demand of the system by the efficiency of the power converter.

③ Reserve margin

To cope with possible power fluctuations, load changes, or unexpected situations, it is recommended to reserve a certain margin on the basis of the calculated power demand. Usually, the margin can be set between 10% and 20%.

4. Choose the appropriate power supply type and specifications

Based on the calculated power supply requirements, select the appropriate power supply type (such as linear power supply, switching power supply, etc.) and specifications (such as output voltage, current, and power, etc.). Ensure that the specifications of the selected power supply meet the power requirements of the system and have a certain margin to cope with changes.