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An article to help you understand what EMI is?

Article Source:Kinri Energy | Author:Kinri Energy | Issuing Time:2024.03.26
What is EMI?

EMI, also known as electromagnetic interference, refers to any electromagnetic phenomenon that may cause a decrease in electronic device performance or have a negative impact. EMI can propagate in various ways, such as electromagnetic waves, wires, and power lines. In the modern society with dense electronic devices, EMI has become an issue that cannot be ignored.

The sources of EMI can be divided into two categories: natural interference sources and human interference sources. Natural interference sources mainly include lightning, static electricity, and nuclear radiation; Human interference sources include various electronic devices, power systems, and communication systems. The electromagnetic waves generated by these interference sources can interfere with the normal operation of electronic devices, and may even lead to serious consequences such as equipment damage or data loss.

How to avoid EMI?

To avoid the impact of EMI on electronic devices, the following aspects can be taken into consideration:

1. Reasonable layout and design of electronic devices: When designing and laying out electronic devices, electromagnetic radiation and coupling effects should be minimized as much as possible. For example, sensitive components and interference sources can be separated and appropriate shielding measures can be taken.

2. Choose low EMI electronic components: Choosing low EMI electronic components can effectively reduce the radiation and sensitivity of electronic devices. For example, components such as low noise amplifiers, low inductance coils, and low capacitance inductors can be selected.

3. Add filters: Filters can effectively suppress the propagation of EMI. Adding appropriate filters in the circuit can reduce the propagation and interference of electromagnetic waves.

4. Grounding and shielding: Grounding and shielding are two commonly used methods to reduce EMI. By connecting the ground wire of electronic devices to a low impedance grounding electrode, the noise current on the ground wire can be reduced; Using appropriate shielding materials to shield electronic devices can reduce the propagation and interference of electromagnetic waves.

5. Software filtering: For some highly sensitive electronic devices, software filtering can be used to reduce the impact of EMI. By filtering and processing signals in software, noise and interference can be effectively reduced.