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What are the hazards of Supercharging due to excessive load?

Article Source:Kinri Energy | Author:Kinri Energy | Issuing Time:2024.03.25
Supercharging with excessive load may cause a series of hazards to the battery, charger, and the entire charging system. The following are some possible hazards:

Battery overheating: When the load is too high, the battery requires more energy to meet charging needs, which may cause a sharp increase in battery temperature. Long term high-temperature operation may lead to shortened battery life, and even cause uncontrolled heating, resulting in battery explosion or fire.

Battery damage: Excessive charging current may accelerate chemical reactions inside the battery, increasing electrolyte consumption and leading to a decrease in battery capacity. In addition, high current may also cause uneven deposition of lithium ions on the electrode, forming lithium metal deposits, which may lead to internal short circuits in the battery.

Charger damage: In order to provide greater current, the charger requires higher voltage and current output. This may cause the electronic components inside the charger to overheat, thereby reducing its lifespan or causing damage.

Efficiency decline: When the load is too large, the efficiency of the charging system may decrease. This means that more energy is wasted rather than stored in batteries.

Increased pressure on the power grid: If a large number of electric vehicles undergo supercharging at the same time, the pressure on the power grid will also increase. This may lead to grid overload, resulting in power outages or other related issues.

Safety issue: As mentioned earlier, overheating and damage to the battery may lead to fire or explosion. In addition, excessive current may also cause electrical fires or electric shock accidents.

Vehicle performance degradation: Excessive charging may lead to unstable chemical reactions inside the battery, thereby affecting the vehicle's range and performance.

Environmental issues: Excessive charging and discharging can lead to the release of chemicals from batteries into the environment, which may cause pollution to the environment.

To ensure safe and effective use of the supercharging system, it is recommended to follow the following points:

●Use a charger specifically designed for your vehicle model.

●Do not use the super charging function for a long time.

●Regularly check the status of the battery and charger.

●Avoid charging at extreme temperatures.

If any abnormal conditions are found, such as battery heating, expansion, or leakage, immediately stop using and seek professional assistance.

Although supercharging technology provides convenience for fast charging of electric vehicles, excessive or improper use may bring a series of risks and hazards. Therefore, users should understand their potential risks and take appropriate preventive measures.